Good morning Oct. 5, 2022
Yesterday, I asked this question of you, "When was the last time you felt absolute joy about the day in front of you?" And then I spent the rest of the day asking myself that question, over and over again. I find that by asking myself questions, I get past the initial "what I am supposed to say" to what I have conditioned myself to say, to finally what is the truth of the matter - to me. And the one thing I know, is that our truths are subjective and only apply to each of us individually.
First thing I had to do was look up the definition of joy. I think we all know what it means to us, but, I just wanted to make sure that what I feel about the word is what consensus believes about the word. Yes I know, it was a rabbit hole. LOL.
Merriam Webster: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires
When was the last time you felt the emotion evoked by well-being about the day in front of you?
Ok, so it's within defintion to feel this way today because I don't feel crushed by any one set of problems or another. Whew, check!
When was the last time you felt the emotion evoked by success about the day in front of you?
Ok, so it's within defintion to feel this way today because I have been successful with work experiences lately, or because I have not experienced any failures lately, lol. Whew, check!
When was the last time you felt the emotion evoked by good fortune about the day in front of you?
Ok, so it's within defintion to feel this way today because I have the good fortune to have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, a car in my driveway with gas in it, and the love of my friends and family. Whew, check!
When was the last time you felt the emotion evoked by the prospect of possessing what [you] desire[s] about the day in front of you?
Ok, so it's within defintion to feel this way today because I am in hot pursuit of a new career that will bring joy to others? It's ok to feel joy that I know I have what it takes to get where I want to go? Yeay! Whew, check!
So I think it would be safe and easier to use the word "joy" for things like:
I have joy because my boss just gave me kudos for leading the team in a really difficult endeavor...
I have joy because my kids seem to fit into their classes and like their new teachers...
I have joy because I successfully completed a really complex big deal in my world even if no one else outside of that world would know or care...
I have joy because one of my co-workers thanked me for catching his mistake yesterday...
I have joy because I just closed on a house all on my own merits...
I have joy because I realize that I can rise above my fear to get what I want and need in my life.
The good news is that "joy" is not reserved for the clergy or angels on holy days. It is inside each of us, we just have to give ourselves permission to have it and feel it.
Have the very best first day of the rest of your life!