Rest & Recovery After The Show – I Empower U A Drop Of TLC For The Week
Rest & Recovery After The Show - Yearly Dance of Autumn On The Trail
I Empower U Drop of TLC For The Week
For a couple of weeks we humans walking the trail could tell that Mother Nature and her dancers were prepping us for a gala performance.
Daily, she introduced us to new tapestries of color and texture, teasing us with her ingenuity.
Then, as the nights began to chill, she picked up the pace, lavishly painting entire swaths of forest with her glorious fantasies.
Finally, the night before the first big frost and threatened snowstorm, she presented her dance troupe in all of their glory. In breathless wonder, we tiptoed through her interactive choreography, entranced by swaying trunk and flashing branch, by shimmering leaf and glittering beads as they all caught the rhythm of earthly beat. Each passerby breathed out bliss filled sighs of wow, oooh, and ahh as they partook of the heart stopping enchantment of the Yearly Dance of Autumn On The Trail.
Leaving the yearly gala, we hurried home to snuggle safely in warm beds, shivering when the howling winds gave way to the whisking of icy rains brooming across roof tops finally surrendering to the silence of the snow as it covered all in sparkling white diamonds.
Several days later, after the Sun had melted off all signs of storm, we hurried back to catch an encore performance. The music stilled, brilliant costumes discarded, sequins and baubles layed about in disarray at our feet. Alas, no encore as the dance and the dancers are done for the season, now only stretching sore limbs and pausing in quiet reflection, as they prepare for a long winter of rest and recovery.
All that is left now is a memory… and oh, what a memory it is.
the best & easiest thing you can do is to pause, catch the rhythm & marvel at the beauty around you.
Give me a call, if you are having trouble finding it.
I know I can help.